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Advanced Courses

Each field of study, except for the “License-Only” program, requires the student to complete additional advanced courses. The current offering is presented below.

The required basic courses may be found here: Basic Courses

The advanced courses are listed below beneath each specialty area. Completing all courses under one specialty area qualifies a student to be “Board Certified“ in those areas. You will receive a certificate. Students are free to pick their courses from any specialty area and are not required to do all courses in one specialty.

  • Bachelors program requires a student to complete 6 advanced courses
  • Masters program requires 4 courses
  • PhD Program requires 8 courses. The 2nd PhD program requires 4 courses.
  • Masters Upgrade or PhD Upgrade programs (for students who earn their first degree through our Academy or another NCCA CAI) have separate requirements.

Each specialty area is shown in bold below. Select courses from the list below each specialty area. See course description links for more information about each course:


  • All courses are shippable (domestic).
  • Many are available online.
  • All tests are done online.

Advanced Course Options

Integrated Marriage & Family Therapy

  1. Marriage and Family Counseling, An Integrated Approach
  2. Integrated Temperament Couple Therapy
  3. Pre-Marriage Counseling With Temperament
  4. The Father-Daughter Connection

Child and Adolescent Therapy

  1. Counseling Families
  2. Counseling and Children
  3. Counseling Youth
  4. Counseling and The Search for Meaning


Temperament Therapy

  1. Temperament Case Studies
  2. Life’s Answers Through Counseling With God
  3. Living in the Spirit – Utilizing Temperament
  4. Counseling Using Inner Healing Prayer

Crisis and Abuse Therapy

  1. Counseling for Family Violence / Abuse
  2. Counseling in Times of Crisis
  3. Counseling for Anger
  4. Counseling the Depressed


Substance Abuse and Addiction Therapy

  1. Counseling for Substance Abuse and Addiction
  2. Counseling Adult Children of Alcoholics
  3. Counseling for Problems of Self-Control
  4. Counseling Those With Eating Disorders


Sexual Therapy

  1. Counseling For Sexual Disorders
  2. Counseling and Homosexuality
  3. Counseling for Problems of Self-Control
  4. Counseling for Unplanned Pregnancy & Infertility


Death & Grief Therapy

  1. Counseling the Sick and Terminally Ill
  2. Counseling for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  3. Joy-In the Midst of Mourning
  4. Counseling Families of Children With Disabilities


Cognitive Therapy & Ethics

  1. Cognitive Therapy Techniques
  2. Quality, Ethics and Legal Issues in Christian Counseling
  3. Making Life Healing Changes
  4. Christ-Centered Mindfulness

Group Therapy

Group Therapy Applicant must hold a Masters degree or higher, be licensed by the NCCA, and be Board Certified in Integrated Marriage & Family Therapy in order to qualify for this specialty area. Then they must complete one additional course entitled “Group Therapy”.


Domestic Violence and Intervention Therapy

Domestic Violence and Intervention Therapy Applicant must hold a Masters degree or higher, be licensed by NCCA, and be Board Certified in Crisis and Abuse Therapy as well as completing the following five courses.:

  1. Temperament Case Studies
  2. Counseling for Substance Abuse and Addiction
  3. Counseling for Problems of Self-Control
  4. Counseling Families
  5. Counseling and Self-Esteem

Christian Counseling Guide

Are You Called to Christian Counseling?

Get our free guide "7 Questions to Answer Before Becoming an Christian Counselor" to see how to get started