Successful completion of all four courses will lead the student to be “Board Certified” in this specialty of “Child and Adolescent Therapy”.
Counseling Families

Numerous case studies are provided to aid in the study of this course. Each case study is a real situation from the author’s repertoire. He furnishes the student with numerous charts and lists to aid in practical applications of more effective family counseling.
This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires 1 open-book (non-proctored) exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.
Counseling and Children

In order to effectively help children, a counselor must be equipped with an understanding of the basic principles of child development. The two authors provide instruction and encouragement to the Christian counselor who seeks to minister to the developmental, emotional and spiritual needs of children.
This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires 1 open-book (non-proctored) exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.
Counseling Youth

This course is approximately 148 pages in length. The candidate will be provided with general information regarding insight into counseling today’s youth. Dr. Lea addresses some of the major problems that face youth today and how to overcome them.
Course Requirements:
Approximately 45 clock hours
Maximum time limit six weeks
Pass one proctored exam
Counseling & the Search for Meaning

The student will benefit from the author’s thoughtful examples, theory mixed with practical directions, and biblical conclusions. The course is provided in short, easy-to-comprehend chapters that cover most situations that a counselor will encounter when helping a person who is searching for meaning in life.
This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires 1 open-book (non-proctored) exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.