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Successful completion of all five courses will lead the student to be “Board Certified” in this specialty of “Domestic Violence & Intervention Therapy”.

Temperament Case Studies

This course is approximately 154 pages in length. The candidate will learn first-hand the counseling model used by the N.C.C.A. members and graduates. These case studies utilize the counseling model taught by the N.C.C.A. and also incorporate other testing instruments.

The student will conduct a series of indepth counseling sessions with one “client” and, using one of the formats described in the course, will complete a comprehensive report of those sessions.

Course Requirements:

  • Approximately 35 clock hours
  • Submit one case study following format

Counseling for Substance Abuse and Addiction

The authors will provide answers to important questions about drugs and why people use them. Drug abuse is a complex problem and no one can claim to have all the answers. However, there are fundamental principles presented within this course which will aid the student in his/her preparation to counsel those who suffer addiction.

This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires 1 open-book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.

Counseling for Problems of Self-Control

The most important goal of this course is to show how the counselor can help people identify and resolve the root problems which are causing one’s inability to exercise self-control.

This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires one open book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours

Counseling Families

Numerous case studies are provided to aid in the study of this course. Each case study is a real situation from the author’s repertoire. He furnishes the student with numerous charts and lists to aid in practical applications of more effective family counseling.

This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires one open-book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.

Counseling and Self-Esteem

This course contains three goals:

  1. to provide the pastor and counselor (lay people can also use this counseling approach to build their own self-esteem) with an understanding of self-esteem as a fundamental ingredient to one’s spiritual, emotional and social health,
  2. to teach accurate biblical views of self-esteem and
  3. to teach counseling strategies that can be used for building self-esteem.

This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires one open-book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.