Earn a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Counseling
Do you have a High School Diploma / GED (or equivalent for international students)? If so, you can pursue this degree and be licensed with the National Christian Counselors Association.
Watch this short video.
Easy to Start. Easy to Finish.
Budget Friendly
Affordable, modular tuition payments. See the schedule below. Need a less expensive option? You can start with our “Easy Go” program which lets you order one course.
Work at Your Own Pace
Start right away. Earn your degree while studying at home and at the pace that best suits your schedule. Weekends, evening, lunch breaks? It's up to you!
We're Here to Help
You will have a Personal Clinical Supervisor to help you with every phase of your studies.
NCCA Licensing Credential
You will be licensed with the National Christian Counselor's Association as a Licensed Pastoral Counselor and can continue on to earn a Master's degree if you choose.
What you will learn...
Complete three (3) Basic Courses – Phase I:
- Basic Christian Counseling
- Creation Therapy
- Christian Counseling: Integrating Temperament and Psychology
“Easy Go” single course payment plan available.
Complete ten (10) Arno Profile System evaluations and counselor reports. One hour counseling/teaching session to receive a review of your personal profile is included.
Complete three (3) Basic Courses – Phase II:
- Mastering Pastoral Counseling
- Temperament Case Studies
- Counseling the Codependent: A Christian Perspective Using Temperament
“Easy Go” single course payment plan available.
Complete fifteen (15) Arno Profile System evaluations and counselor reports.
Select two (2) advanced courses total in each of these three modules.
“Easy Go” single course options available.
Final Program Requirements
- Complete a practicum. This consists of administering the Arno Profile System to twenty-five (25) persons in the student’s community. This practicum will be completed under the supervision of your Clinical Supervisor.
- Respond in writing to fifty (50) ethical questions posed by NCCA’s National Licensing Board of Examiners.
- Submit NCCA annual dues of $50 (included in tuition, first year only). The student will also become a member of the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling (Creation Therapy course) and the $75 first year fee is included in the student tuition.
- Provide required documentation.
- Complete individual reports (case studies) developed from the candidate’s work with 25 persons using the Arno Profile System reports. Format provided by Academy.
- Complete a 500 question open-book bible exam.
- Background check completed ($100 fee included in tuition).
- A ministerial credential is required by the end of Phase II. This comprises one of commissioning, licensing or ordination. The NCCA suggests options for gaining that if not already held by the student. This credential is not required to apply or begin the program.
- . The NCCA suggests options for gaining that if not already held by the student.
- Licensing level at the completion of the program will be: NCCA Licensed Pastoral Counselor.
Bachelor's Program Student Testimonials
I believe the faculty at Above and Beyond Counseling are true to their name. They were professional and go to great lengths to assist you with reaching your goals.
I am extremely grateful for the education I have received through the Bachelor's and Masters program offered by the N.C.C.A.
The classes were helpful and informative, they gave me great insight into what people deal with on a day to day basis in their struggles to live normal lives. Dr. Don Ibbitson was my Clinical Supervisor and he made the process so easy for me, if I had questions he was always there, with patience, to help me.
As my wife and I began looking for the right school, I ran across an advertisement from Above & Beyond regarding the 5 Temperaments. I believe it was a God discovery and it intrigued me, so I prayed about it and felt released to enroll.
The training through Above & Beyond was knowledgeable and professional. They assisted every step and provided insight when needed. I left feeling equipped and confident to begin my Christian Counseling ministry.
Tell J. Collier