Basic Courses
The core courses listed below are required for all students in License-Only, Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate Degree Programs.

- All courses are available online or shipped. Shipped courses include an NCCA handling fee plus shipping costs to your location.
- You can choose to have both online and shipped sent to you for an uplift.
- All tests are done online.
- The Phase I courses comprise the Module A for each program.
- The Phase II courses are included in Module C for each program.
- They may be ordered as a module or individually, using the “Easy Go” option.
After taking the Basic Courses in Phase I and successfully completing ten (10) Arno Profile System Counselor Reports, the student is eligible for an interim licensing level of “Certified Temperament Counselor”. More details may be found in the “Additional Requirements” tab under each program description.
Basic Courses
Basic Courses – Phase I
- Basic Christian Counseling
- Creation Therapy
- Christian Counseling: Integrating Temperament and Psychology
Basic Courses – Phase II
- Mastering Pastoral Counseling
- Temperament Case Studies
- Counseling the Codependent: A Christian Perspective Using Temperament