Successful completion of all four courses will lead the student to be “Board Certified” in this specialty of “Sexual Therapy”.
Counseling for Sexual Disorders

Sexual therapy goals discussed in this course are to distract from anxiety, remove demands and eliminate negative or failure experiences and feelings. Forms are provided to assist in sexual therapy counseling: physical history, background history, sexual evaluation, sexual assessment feed- back, sexual therapy plan and assignments.
This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires one open -book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours
Counseling and Homosexuality

The author writes this course from a heart of compassion, love and a true Christian view point and includes numerous stories of his clients. The student will learn that change IS possible and that lives are transformed by miracles and by hard work. The challenge is to help the counselee keep an open mind while he/she gains in self-understanding and moves forward in new patterns of behavior.
This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires one open book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.
Counseling for Problems of Self-Control

The most important goal of this course is to show how the counselor can help people identify and resolve the root problems which are causing oneu2019s inability to exercise self-control.
This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires one open book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours
Counseling for Unplanned Pregnancy and Infertility

This course is divided into three sections: 1) it explains how to conceptualize the problem and ways to help the family; 2) how to deal with pregnancies that are too early, i.e., teenage pregnancies, pregnancies before marriage and pregnancies too soon after another birth; 3) births that are too late or that never occur.
This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires one open book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.