Successful completion of all four courses will lead the student to be “Board Certified” in this specialty of “Cognitive Therapy & Ethics”.
Cognitive Therapy Techniques

This course is technique oriented. The emphasis is on cognitive therapy methods rather than problems such as depression, marital conflicts, anger, etc. This course provides the student with some useful tools to make his/her counseling more effective.
This course consists of a textbook, workbook and requires one open-book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours.
Quality, Ethics and Legal Issues in Christian Counseling

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with information regarding ethical issues in counseling. It will also provide them with a clear understanding of the importance of confidentiality. In addition, this course will provide information regarding referrals, helpful agencies and programs.
This course consists of a textbook of approximately 133 pages in length and requires one closed-book exam. Approximate study time is 35 hours.
Making Life Healing Changes

The purpose of this course is to provide a clearer understanding of spiritual warfare to help learn and appreciate the conflicts that take place in the life of a counselee, as well as in our own lives.
The course consists of a textbook of approximately 150 pages in length and requires one closed book exam. Approximate study time is 45 hours,
Christ- Centered Mindfulness

All human beings regardless of their status in life or ethnicity, experience a whole range of very powerful emotions that can be difficult to regulate. This study attempts to provide a biblical, liberating and practical approach to understanding our emotions and our responsibility for them by becoming a Christ-Centered mindful person, more aware of how emotions are at work inside us by developing compassion and by learning to develop compassionate ways of relating to ourselves and to other people.
it suggests that using the Compassionate Mind Approach is the most effective solution to “deactivate” the individual’s threat system-soothe anger and anxiety and all other threat emotions and can help us have the courage to face these difficult emotions, tolerate them and effectively deal with them leading to a healthier, happier life.